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Justin Bieber, Between Chelsea FC and Barcelona FC

Last April, Justin Bieber visit to Camp Nou, Barcelona headquarters. Not just come but also practicing with the Barcelona players like Thiago, Benja, Bojan, and Fontas.

Justin was a special invited Barcelona to play ball there. Why while on tour in Europe, he played football with Barcelona jersey to wear.

The picture was later invited him to make the club. His return to Camp Nou to make people think he's a big fan of Barcelona.

But last Monday, Bieber seen Chelsea come to the gym. There, he met with Frank Lampard. In fact they also had their pictures taken together.

Soon he came up with Chelsea uniforms, blue-blue. He also upload them on twitter while updating their status: "Time to play soccer with Chelsea"

Parties Chelsea were happy of course. How was the figure of Bieber who have up to 14 million followers, Bieber singing it will promote the club throughout the universe.

In addition to singing, Justin Bieber is also smart to play Football
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